
IFC Green Banking Academy in Europe and Central Asia

Green Banking Academy (IFC-GBAC) is a knowledge and capacity-building initiative of the IFC’s Financial Institutions Group.

IFC-GBAC in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) is focused on accelerating climate finance via training and knowledge sharing activities in a format designed by bankers for bankers.

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The Risk of Greenwashing

Greenwashing is the dissemination of false or misleading claims regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) credentials. This practice poses significant reputational, regulatory, and financial risks. While greenwashing is prevalent across various sectors, it is even a more critical risk for the financial sector. As financial institutions and capital market vehicles facilitate investments, their credibility is

Unlocking Transition Finance

Transition finance is a rapidly evolving field that is critical for unlocking sustainable investments in emerging markets. Private sector financial institutions have a key role to play as they can provide the needed financing to enable the hard-to-abate sectors to reduce their carbon footprint. With tailored transition finance solutions, banks and other financial institutions can mobilize private

Building Sustainable Business Practices: Introduction to the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) for Financial Institutions

An Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) is a set of policies, procedures, tools, and internal capacity to identify and manage a financial institution’s exposure to the environmental and social risks of its clients/investees. ESMS is a cornerstone of sustainable finance process as it helps financial institutions properly consider the environmental and social aspects when

WhatWe Offer

Customized training, holistic programs, climate leadership events and approach to the bank green transformation in the following areas:

  • Diagnostic
  • Strategy
  • Capacity building
  • Products and tools
  • On-the-job expertise creation
  • Market and business line development



BANKERS trained


BANKS & financial institutions advised


BILLION in climate loans provided


MILLION tCO₂e/yr avoided

Climate finance Roadmap

Our Climate Finance Development Roadmap provides a visualized path to the green finance transformation



  • Understanding Climate Finance
  • Сlimate Finance Diagnostic


  • Green Bond Strategy Development Program
  • Guidance on Climate Finance Strategy Implementation
  • Climate Finance Strategy session
Capacity building

Capacity building

  • Training on Energy Efficiency
  • Training on Renewable Energy
  • Training on Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Training on Green Buildings and Materials
Products & tools

Products & tools

  • Financing Green Technology Calculator
  • CAFI implementation to measure GHG emission reduction
  • Development and launch of CSA financial products
On the job expertise development

“On the job” expertise development

  • Guidance on impact reporting via CAFI
  • Project-by-project in-depth capacity building
  • Streamlining methodology and procedures for project analysis
Market development & Marketing

Market development & Marketing

  • Guidance on marketing and promotion
  • Сapacity building with the demand side
  • Market development events

Where are you on the climate path?

Asses your stage of green transformation with the help of our

Self-evaluation form



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IFC GBAC Key topics in ECA

IFC GBAC Focuses in ECA

Renewable Energy

Investing into technologies generating power or heat from renewable resources, including wind, solar, hydro, biomass, biogas, geothermal (including grid-tied, and distributed systems such as roof-top solar).

Energy Efficiency

Investing into fixed asset (equipment, machineries, process engineering) to reduce energy consumption per unit of production by at least 15%.

Climate Smart Agriculture

Investing into technologies and agri practices at farm level or in the supply chains to improve productivity, reduce crop/food losses, improve water efficiency, energy efficiency, reduce use of chemicals, fertilizers and agri wastes.

Green Bonds

Supporting banks in green bonds/sustainability bonds issuances (pre-issuance preparation and post-issuance monitoring & reporting) with the aim to diversify their investor base and scale their green lending business.

IFC GBAC Focuses in ECA


Investing into technologies and solution which are a pathway to lower cost and environmental impact of transportation including electric and hybrid vehicles, public transport, urban rail/metro and so on.

Green Buildings

Investing into new buildings and upgraded buildings that have green certifications such as EDGE, LEED, BREAM, or local standards that results in 20% savings of water, energy and building materials.


Investing into solutions aimed to decrease environmental impact of waste generation by implementing 5R (refuse-reduce-reuse-recycle-raw) practices, improving landfill management and so on.


Investing into waste-water treatment and water saving projects aimed to improve the efficiency of water usage, reduce methane emissions, implement circular water management solutions etc.

Online learning

Climate finance Introduction

Materials provided by WBG open learning campus (OLC)

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